Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My English class is filled with a lot of incredible people, all who have intelligent opinions about the topics we discuss. However, there are two people in my English class who I will never run out of things to say about; Zoey and Jill. 
I met Zoey last year during the Company's production of The Curious Savage, and we became fast friends. We always have something to talk about, whether it is ranting, gossiping, or just saying the first thing that comes to our minds. She is beautiful, funny, confident, smart, crazy, and always curious to know what is going on in my life, which shows what a selfless and mature person she is. Zoey is one of the most openly affectionate people I know, and always knows how to make me smile (even though she seriously needs to learn how to whisper <3) There is absolutely no way anyone who meets her would not love her immediately love her, because she loves everyone, without question. (I mean who can hate someone who loves them?) I am so happy we met last year, and I'm sure we will continue to be friends for all of high school. <3

I met Jill this year, after realizing she is in both my chemistry, and my English class. The first time I talked to Jill, she basically told me how cool she thought I was, and then proceeded to compliment me in pretty much every way possible. That very day was the day I was feeling like I did not have that many friends since I left the academic center, and I was just about ready to give up being social, because I told myself none of the sophomores in my classes would want to talk to me anyways. However, when she came up to me in the hallway, my whole outlook on high school turned around, and I am so grateful to her for that. Since then, Jill has introduced me to many of her friends, and is, in my opinion, responsible for making me have such a happy beginning to my freshman year. I have never heard her say anything mean to anyone, and if she has, it was just her playing around. I am so glad you found me Jill, I hope we stay friends for a long time. <3

(And basically everyone else in our English class)

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